Wednesday, November 19, 2014

O & E Moments. :~(

One of those moments.
Yea. O&E moments. Overwhelming and Emotional moments. There are days like that. in fact, we all have those days like that, when we are just overwhelmed with emotions and we just let the emotions find expression. It could be as a result of deep thoughts, reflections on past actions or what is to come, and what the future holds.

That day for me was today.. Yes this very day. Woke up in high spirits, and as usual, sent out resumes in response to a few online job adverts i had seen this week. Settled down to the business of the day, intensive study in preparation for my forthcoming interviews...

As i was enjoying my study, i just got distracted  for a while and i started thinking about a lot of things that has happened in the past. i thought about my days in Uni, some past experiences, some mistakes, and before i knew it i was just crying. You know when you just feel you could have done some things better than the way you did them. i dried my teears, but the tears just kept flowing.

The bible says we should cast all our cares on Jesus, and never to worry. thats because worry never changes a thing. instead it just makes matters worse and causes us to be sad. I turned my tears to Jesus and he comforted me. He said All things are now new, the old is passed. And that was it. i wiped my eyes. No matter what, i still have a lot of things to be grateful for.

I have been scolded by the Worlds most prominent scolder ever (u'l soon find out), lols.  I'll never let this happen again. Gods got me in his hands!

So bye-bye O&E moments.. I am a little too old for sissy cries. :D

Saturday, November 15, 2014

A heart of thanks for a wonderful Mum..

So this post is especially dedicated to my mum. God has been so faithful to us this year, really. I remember vividly that i was in jss1 (high school)when she had her PhD convocation. we waited over the years, trusting God for a change of status. Infact, i spent 6 years in high school, Another 6 years in the University, and i finished my service year before the promotion came. A couple of months back specifically in august, she became a Professor of Biochemistry, after 14 years! Its a huge testimony..

Mum clocked 50 this last week, and i just look back at everything. Gods has been so good, to her and all of us. (party is coming soon o, lols)

My brother Paul, Mum and me

Seriously, i dont know another woman with so much grace, wisdom, strength, determination, and resilience. She practically takes care of everybody. Her husband, Us kids, her parents(she still has both!) and her plenty siblings, nieces and nephews.

Mum with her Parents, Chief & Mrs J.A Fadare

Here's celebrating a great woman of integrity, purpose and strenght; Prof (Mrs) Olubunmi B. Ajayi.

My Mummy..
I love you mum, you shall be celebrated beyond the shores of your father land, and you shall be blessed beyond imagination.  Amen